Sunday, June 20, 2010

Accidental Accent

Part of my journey to become just the best darn fake-Lebanese girlfriend ever has been trying to learn the language. For the uninitiated, the average Lebanese speaks three languages fluently; English, French, and Arabic. Lebanese Arabic, however, is a distinct language, different from formal written Arabic, so I guess technically most Lebanese speak four languages then. So, luckily for me, my fella has been speaking English since he was in school, and is more than capable of communicating in my first language, even though it’s his third (fourth?)
So why learn Arabic? To torture myself? To prove I can? Just to be obstinate and obnoxious and pretentious? Well, yes, of course for those reasons. But also because of what happens anytime to Arabic speakers are in the same room together; 20 minutes of unintelligible conversation followed by a one-sentence translation. Not only am I constantly desperate to know all the details of all the conversations I’m constantly missing, I’m tired of people having to pause to explain a joke that doesn’t really translate, or synthesis a hilarious story into one unfunny phrase.
So instead I’ve been learning a language that not only has three different genders for adjectives and adverbs, but also applies gender to verbs and nouns. It is crazy making. Plus learning all those crazy new sounds, because that alphabet has, like, 8 extra letters. The good news is I’m coming along, making progress, and am now able to form simple sentences and swear like a Phoenician sailor. The bad news is all of this effort is negatively impacting my English skills.
No, I haven’t reverted back to pre-verbal, but I feel like my vocabulary is not as strong as it used to be. And I find myself often reaching for certain words, and finding an Arabic word where the English word should be. All of this is manageable. The really obnoxious thing, the thing that may very well alienate my friends, is the accent. I’ve acquired a fake Arabic accent. As in, when I’m speaking to native English speakers, I still sounds like Andrea who grew up in the east bay and went to high school in the central valley, but when I get on the phone with a friend from Beirut, or talk to a friend from Riyadh, and get into a lover’s quarrel with my honey, I unconsciously transition to accented English.
It makes no sense. It doesn’t make my English any easier to understand, and it makes me look like an ass. Especially since I’ve started using the same accented English with other non-native English speakers are school and at work. Trust me; I look stupid saying ‘bas’ to a nice Korean family.

And I’ve completely given up on my high school Spanish…

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